Development of new chemical reagents and technologies for the fuel and energy complex, taking into account high environmental requirements, with the use of nanotechnologies aimed at reducing the consumption of a chemical reagent and increasing their efficiency.
Development and production of chemicals for the fuel and energy sector
The developed line of chemical reagents is intended for production, preparation, transport and processing of hydrocarbon raw materials.
The list of chemical reagents includes the following items :
- reagent for the processes of EOR, WIW, RIW (water-insulating compositions and tempering)
- corrosion inhibitors
- inhibitors of asphaltic resinous paraffine sediments
- salt deposition inhibitors
- inhibitors of hydrate formation
- solvents of asphaltic resinous paraffine sediments
- silencing fluids and their compositions
- emulsifiers
-neutralizers of hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans,
- water-and oil-soluble forms
- pre-washing surfactants
-secondary squid removers
The proposed list includes a full package of permissive technical documentation, in addition, engineering support and execution of works according to the customer's technical specification is carried out.